Master React By Following The Best In The Industry.😊

Master React By Following The Best In The Industry.😊

Happy new year IDE addicts. Have you ever heard if you wanna be great, follow greatness? Yea.. of cause you have heard of it, but if you haven’t congratulations you know now. Following the right people are very pivotal to anybody irrespective of the industry. Here is my list of react developers to follow this year.

  1. Dan Abramov (@dan_abramov) - He is one of the core members of the React team, co-author of Redux. With his experience in the react eco system, his insights are very invaluable for anyone interested in React.

  2. Kent C. Dodds - He is part of the remix team of cause as a senior engineer, with an array of experience, and the love for community building he shares golden insights that can help your game as a front end engineer.

  3. Lee Robinson (Lee Robinson ) - As the Director of DevRel at vercel he understands what it means to create content concerning developer concerns in the NextJs eco system and in front end in general of cause, his profession is a clear replica of what you will expect on his tweets on X.

  4. Marko Denic - Experience and track record they say is how you know a person of value. Marko Denic has that in his baag and following him will let you have access to first hand information because he always stay true to the development ecosystem.

  5. Nicolas Gallagher - Do you know that X (formerly twitter) is built using react. NIcolas was a staff at twitter. Yes I know you are thinking what am thinking, he has a lot of things to share that will be useful to you.

Start the new year by following and getting mentorships form the be best this year and see a shift in your development Journey. Wish you another happy building year in 2025 ❤️❤️